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Let’s Get Creative!
The importance of managing one's mental health and staying socially connected during this uncertain time
can't be stressed enough. Below is a list of creative ideas to stay active, engaged and emotionally healthy.
These are just a few ideas and there are a lot of very creative people who will have many more. Please feel
free to send in your suggestions using my contact form and I will regularly update this list.
Download Zoom and host a virtual dinner party.
Use Face Time/Skype to have a virtual coffee date or drinks with friends
Challenge friends at a distance with online games like Words with Friends, checkers, Boggle, or Trivia.
Start a neighborhood art stroll by asking your community to post children’s and adults artwork in the window for people to view on their walks.
Play old fashioned games such as charades, Pictionary, hide and seek etc.
Bake something yummy, either an old classic or try something new.
Do a camp-out in your own backyard.
Bedtime stories with Grandma and Grandpa from a distance using FaceTime/Skype.
Puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku.
Make slime or playdough.
Take a virtual tour of museums around the world Google Arts & Culture.
De-stress with an at home workout – local studios are starting to stream classes and you can find a gazillion workout videos on YouTube. Try looking for something different such as yoga for kids, gentle stretching, workouts for those over fifty, or chair workouts for the elderly.
Have a picnic in your living room while supporting local restaurants by picking up food or getting take-out.
Host an online concert or jam session.
Deep clean - pick one room a day, get the family together, put on some music and dive in.
Get crafty – make bath bombs, sugar scrubs, fishbowl terrariums, etc (have supplies delivered from sources like Amazon).
Read a good book.
Start on spring cleaning.
Host an online slam poetry session.
Make on online photobook.
Do gardening or yard work.
Listen to a new podcast. Choose a mystery, something inspirational or learn something new.
Take a free class from an Ivy League school such as those from ClassCentral.com, or other on-line sites or apps.
In some communities municipal or private golf courses and tennis courts remain open. Get your game on while observing your 6 - foot distance from others.
Go to your local high school and use the track to run or have the kids scooter or ride their bikes.
Throw the frisbee, play Spikeball, cornhole or basketball in the backyard/driveway.
Send a thank you text/note to a healthcare worker or first line responder.
Donate money to a trusted charity.
Send funny memes to friends and loved ones.
Post samples of your artwork, baked good, craft projects, recipes etc. on social media.
As a family watch old favorites together like Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Shrek, etc.
Share stories of random acts of kindness on social media.
Use Duolingo app to practice or learn a second language.
Watch adorable animal livestreams like: ​